b'MEDICAL BILLING AND CODINGCAREERPOSSIBILITIES3Medical Billing and Coding Specialists may work in various settings, including: Individual Private Practice Physician Groups Hospitals Clinics Insurance CompaniesJOB OUTLOOK CERTIFICATIONSGraduates may qualify to take the examinations to become a Certified Coding Associate (CCA) through the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA); and a Certified Professional Coder-Apprentice (CPC-A), Certified Professional Coder-Hospital-Apprentice (CPC-H-A), or Certified Professional Coder-Payer-Apprentice (CPC-P-A) EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICAL RECORDSthrough American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). AND HEALTH INFORMATIONGraduates must become members of AAPC to take the TECHNICIANS IS PROJECTED TO AAPC examinations.Additional information is available atINCREASE www.ahima.org/certification and www.aapc.com.9% * Included in the cost of tuition are the fees associated with any required membership and the first attempt at one of the following exams: 4Certified Coding Associate DURING THE 2020-2030 DECADE. Certified Professional Coder-Apprentice Certified Professional Coder-Hospital-Apprentice Certified Professional Coder-Payer-Apprentice* Source: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/medical-records-and-health-information-technicians.htm. BLS statistics represent national3 Employment not guaranteed for students or graduates. job growth projections and are not necessarily reflective of local4 Certain restrictions may apply.market conditions. Employment not guaranteed for students or graduates.800-392-1908 | remingtoncollege.edu'